Wireline Services

We are dedicated to crafting tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients, especially during the critical stages of their projects. Our team of technical specialists collaborates closely with clients to gain a deep understanding of their primary goals and develop effective logging strategies.

Combining regional expertise with global insights, our wireline professionals are adept at executing rapid-response wireline operations. This capability is crucial for tasks involving hazardous materials. Featuring a broad range of services and the latest in cased hole and well intervention technologies


Service Capability 


    • Production Logging (PLT) (Sondex)
    • Well Integrity Logging: (Sondex & Vanguard)
          • Multi-Finger Caliper Tool, 24 & 40 Fingers (MIT)
          • Electromagnetic Corrosion Tools (EMDS)
    • Cement Evaluation Tool (Sondex)
          • Radial Bond Tool (CBL)
    • Pipe Recovery (Sondex):
          • Free Point Indicator Tool (FPI)
    • Pipe Cutter: Plasma Cut 
    • Oil & Water Saturation Logging 
    • Perforation
    • Complete Open Hole Logging 


Plasma Cutters & Punctures


    • DOT approved as flammable solid (non-explosive)
    • RF safe tested by Franklin Applied Physics
    • No moving parts
    • No flare/enlargement to the cut pipe
    • Minimal debris remaining in the hole
    • No welding to the cut pipe
    • Can cut in dry pipe & cut chrome pipe
    • Can be used in H2S / CO2 wells
    • Can cut tailpipe below the packer
    • Can cut close to an obstruction
    • Can run with E-coil and memory coil or slickline.